Wednesday, September 17, 2008

the johnsons

so it seems like my past posting of a young and undressed anjelica huston was a big hit, so i decided it would be cool to post a groovy shot of the somewhat-nude couple under a haze of gauze. the dude on the bottom, with 95 percent of his clothes on is don johnson. and yes, that means the barely-old-enough-to-consent chick on top is none other than miss melanie griffith. wow, she really was beautiful, wasn't she? but um, have you taken a look at her recently? yikes! i hate to be mean to such a mod and free-swinging sister, but she's a walking plastic factory. and its a shame, because i can't imagine she would've aged badly on her own merits. i mean, tippi (her mom) hedren looked pretty good for a long time, and i don't think she had a lot of artificial help. and hey, don johnson still looks okay last time i checked. i miss this hazy, soft, super-diffused style of photography. i don't think its a cop-out, really, because if you don't have a fair amount of 'basic goods' in the first place, a hazy filter isn't going to help much. and hey, i miss real panties! i dig this shot, its great. they're so in love! sigh... (click to enlarge)

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