Saturday, September 20, 2008

le bon in action

here's another shot i took from 'sing blue silver.' he's singing one of their best earlier songs, 'is there something i should know?' as i mentioned in the nick-post below, the film stock was a total uncooperative bitch, but i did the best i could. all the footage is like, shaky-hand-held-camera-fied, which isn't great to get shots from in the first place, but the film is so slow, so getting something not-blurry was a real challenge. but i think i got pretty lucky with this one. and just for the record, i think his 'uniform,' or costume for that tour suited him well. i'm kind of surprised some version of that white jacket with the black-striped collar never made it to the hip clothes shops, you know, like that tomato-soup colored michael jackson 'beat it' jacket did. i'm surprised i never saw one hanging in 'merchants' in four seasons mall. wow, i still love simon le bon... but have you seen him lately? i hate to say it, but i suspect he's had some 'work done.' chemical-peel le bon. (?) click to enlarge.

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