Sunday, September 14, 2008

smoking miss christie

hey, i'm pretty busy tonight... trying to rebuild my files, but as i mentioned last night, i want to meet my goal of at least one post each night. so, in keeping with my 'smoking stars' series, dig on this mod shot of the lovely and very '60s' miss julie christie, taking a deep ah-draggity-drag on a long, brown, not-usually-intended-for-ladies 'rawhide' variety cig. have you seen miss christie lately? she looks great. i've never smoked a brown cig, but i would if someone offered. i mean, as stupid as it sounds, as long as i'm still an active smoker, i'd try anything. i remember one time i was at four seasons mall in greensboro, north carolina with a high school wrestler i was dating at the time. i think he must've been trying to impress me, because he stopped in the tobbacco gift shop and made a pretentious point out of buying some exotic-strong european cigarettes called like, Dortmunders or something i'd never heard of. (and you know it was a long time ago, because he was able to light up right there in the mall.) so, he smoked as we walked around, and it was very clear early on that they were a little too much for him. he started coughing and volunteering such comments as, ', these are stronger than i thought they'd be..." (cough, 2-3-4) "...but that's cool, i like them strong." mmm, i didn't ask. and if i remember correctly, after he'd burned through two of them, this six-foot tall wrestler had to like, take a break and sit on a big planter, saying he was "...just a little light-headed." i think he made us leave soon after that.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

I love the smoking story. I think it might be time for some more bad date scenarios...