Tuesday, September 16, 2008

viva le style

yeah, i don't know why that's the title... i guess its as good as anything else. yes, once again i am doing this on a very limited picksh pool. but i liked this spread when i found it, so i figured you guys might dig it too. i like the girl on the left. i don't think it's twiggy. she looks like twiggy, but i don't think its her. i love that shady look with those small hats with black netting. i like the flower on it too. hey, true story, one time when i was still in middle school, i remember somehow i got my hands on a hat like that with glam netting on it, and in my hormone-crazed 13 year old brain, i thought it would be a good idea to wear it to school with a dark colored sweatshirt and jeans. as soon as i got on the bus, i was beginning to think it was not such a hot idea. i don't remember how long i had the balls to keep it on for, but i don't suppose it was very long. i don't have very clear memories of wearing it like, to lunch or anything, but i DO remember the bus ride, and the unclear 'looks' i got when i got off the bus in front of all the other kids like, right at the big bad entrance-and-stairs. why does your brain make you think stuff like that is cool when you're that age? sigh... oh well, i'm probably the only one that remembers it now. i should like, 'zen' let it go.

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