Thursday, September 18, 2008

pent up

penthouse magazine, ladies and gentlemen. i grew up with a seemingly endless supply of penthouse magazines from the 70's and 80's at my disposal, and you'd better believe jean-lucien and i read every one of them. and yes, i mean we actually read them. i've mentioned before that our stepfather had crates full of 'girlie magazines' on the screened-in porch, which we systematically adopted. (the magazines, not the porch.) (mmm, no kidding.) i thought it was really groovy to have an equal amount of playboys and penthouses... it was kind of like dating twins, and one of them may not have been as clean, but she was blessedly just a little bit sluttier than her sister. playboy seemed like, like a well-made american corvette, whereas penthouse was like a quick, slick, and tricky japanese import. i mean, your heart might've been with the corvette, but man, that mistubishi was fast!! and her doors closed so tight! (mmm, can you tell i've been up past my bedtime?) anyway, this is one of the prettiest and clearest penthouse magazine covers i could find. too bad they don't sell like, digital 'page-by-page' copies of 'forum' and 'variations,' because i know a girl who could cash her check right there... namely, me. (click to enlarge)

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