Tuesday, September 16, 2008

miss mia smokes

so i just came in off the back deck to inhale a camel filter. the new england moon was so full and silver bright it was casting sharp shadows of all the leaves on the trees. the air is cool and dry. i love it up here. but i am not alone in blazing a deathstick. here is a great shot of a hippy miss mia farrow in her groovy late 60's pad, enjoying a 'straight' in her own free and short-haired independent way. i love the room she's in. it reminds me of the infamous 'shakespeare house' on centennial street. there was a lot of smoking going on in that house, i promise you. i like her hair darker like that. it looks like she's killed almost a full glass of red wine, too. when i see photos like this, i really wish i had a time machine. i wonder who she was hanging out with? i wonder who was taking the picture? it looks like a pretty groovy scene. rock on, miss mia.

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