Saturday, October 25, 2008

ash takes a peek

yeah, i spent some more time tonight rescuing some of the files i 'lost' when my computer crashed a while back. so, ummm, i don't really have any groundbreaking ideas, but just to mark my place i thought i'd post a shot of science officer ash. (ian holm from 'alien') i haven't posted a shot of him for a long time. here, you see him taking a sneakity-peek at the 'organism.' actually the 'peek' is not so sneaky... its his job. this might be the only thing i post tonight. i was literally awake until the sun came up last night, so i'm hoping to hit the pillow a little sooner tonight. i haven't rolled 'alien' in quite a while. i rolled it enough to memorize it, and the seasons changed and... well, that's the way it happens sometimes.

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