Wednesday, October 22, 2008

rag dolls

man, i really don't feel very inspired tonight, but i wanted to mark my place. so, i love looking for old and interesting paperback covers when i go pearldiving. i found this one a while back, and i love it. its probably not surprising that i've never heard of this piece of classic literature. but i dig the vibe, and i like the cover. i like the fact that live models were used instead of the far-more common use of illustration. i would've loved to have been hanging around during the photo shoot. and where are these people now? as far as the subject matter goes, i don't think 'the fashion world' would grip me, grip me by the page-turning brain. i don't even watch 'project runway.' (despite a weirdly bewildering amount of people telling me that i '...just have to watch it!!') but yeah, i dig this cover, in all its late 60's manufactured freakiness. let's take a look at the small print. if you click to enlarge, you'll see it says: '...they were the Rag Dolls - London's top young models and designers who set the style in kicky clothes and kinky sex...' mmm, sounds great.

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