Wednesday, October 22, 2008

the real suzanne

now, i'm not the biggest suzanne somers fan in the world. yes, i dug 'three's company,' but that's pretty much the only thing in know her from. i'm posting this picture because i believe it speaks volumes about how twisted and weird the whole 'sex symbol' thing has become over the years. when this picture was taken, miss somers was considered one of the hottest bodies and faces in entertainment. i remember; i was there. now, if she was on some show, and this picture was published, i have no doubt it would be torn apart on all the fame mags. there would be all sorts of rude arrows pointing out each and every imaginary figure 'flaw.' but it just goes to show how much more real the girls were back then. these days, they'd airbrush an impossibly flatter tummy, boost up her already-natural and groovy boobs, they'd even out her skin tone, and even inexplicably do away with any fleshy folds and-or paleness under her arms. if i think about it too long, it makes me mad... man, all the artificial crap they do to modern starlet photos. i'm sure you wouldn't have to go too far to find a gaggle of brainwashed 13 year olds to testify with disgust that she was ... fat! wow, the longer i look at a picture like this, the more i realize how phony things have become. even her feet look far more 'real' than they do these days. you hardly ever see naked feet anymore. bizarre.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Not to mention that her face isn't growly glamour pointy like every female face has to be today. And she would be considered 'old.'