Friday, October 24, 2008


i hope jean-lucien doesn't mind me posting this. its a gorgeous notebook illustration he 'collaged-up' a few years ago. i think its stained-glassy and very beautiful. the couple in bed are, yes... that's roger daltrey, and the chick in his arms in none other than nell campbell. she's the chick who played the sequined columbia in 'the rocky horror picture show.' why are these two cuddled in bed together? well, its from the wild and wonderful ken russell movie about the composer franz liszt; 'lisztomania.' (i hope i spelled that right.) its one of my favorite pieces jean-luc made around that time. i think its glassy and i can almost taste it, if that makes any sense. in enlarges pretty well too. so yeah, all credit goes to jean-lucien for this one. and if he objects, i'll take it down within 24 hours.

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