Wednesday, October 22, 2008

the lighter side of fall

yes, its my favorite season; autumn. outside my door, the leaves are falling. i love it. i love the crisp smell of smoke in the air. and i also love the comic genius of MAD magazine's brilliant realist, mr. dave berg. as for actually physically raking leaves? i think i've only done it about four times in my life. and that may be a generous estimate. i don't think its 'below' me or anything, i just haven't done it all that much. i remember trudging through leaves on the way home from kirkman park elementary school and blindly stepped on a discarded board with a nail sticking out of it; and the nail went straight through my shoe and my foot. i don't remember it even hurting... i just remember being fascinated by it. it was the only time i ever got a tetanus shot. it was on ferris avenue, if i'm not mistaken. but that's beside the point. i love the old dave berg strips. they were the best.

click to enlarge.

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