Wednesday, October 22, 2008

palin and bush get my vote!

only ummm, not the 'palin and bush' you might think. yes, my big bad groovy vote goes to the terribly cool couple of python's michael palin, and the exotic and talented miss kate bush! now there's a team i get 'get behind,' coolness-wise. i have no information as to like, what kind of event this picture was taken at. probably some kind of 'prince's trust' something-or-other. they seem to have a 'prince's trust' shindig over there like, every other weekend. it looks like they're holding some kind of award? who knows. it could be a 'child's bank' for all i know. i've given it a close look, and it looks like a little... gallows or something? who knows. hey, at least they look happy. actually, judging by their clothes, the event doesn't look all that formal. anyway, i thought it was a cool picture. i wonder who else they hung out with that night? (cut to a smoke-filled back room. on the sofa, locked in a 'make-out three-way' are kate, mr. palin, and david byrne.) ...i'm going with david byrne on that one? sigh...

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

I want to imagine that they dated in real life. I love them. Great pic! I bet Julian Temple was back there on the couch with Patsy Kensit.

PS: 'child's bank' heehee