Saturday, November 22, 2008

the daisy blue collaborative effect

yes, i visited jean-lucien this past weekend. and he had this half-finished 'canvas' of some picturesque patchwork, and so he slid it over to me to see what i could do with it. so, feeling brave and listening to roman polanski speaking polish over my shoulder, i sifted through his clippings and applied the rest of the 'paint.' and here is the cool and pretty end result. its a true collaboration, considering it ended up being about half-and-half. i'd say its about 60-40, with jean-luc doing the '60.' and yeah, that title: 'the daisy blue collaborative effect...' doesn't that sound like a name of some late-60's swinging psychedelic 'cash-in' band? yes folks, its 'the daisy blue collaborative effect' with their new hit song, 'cotton candy, (sandy)' (mmm, you've gotta dig those parenthetical song titles. i.e. 'i want you, (she's so heavy.)' and this band is not to be confused with those six hippies out of 'frisco who call themselves 'the fork tines translation company,' who have their own hit song, 'chugga-chug, (the bus.)' (click to really enlarge-freak-your-brain.)

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