Thursday, November 20, 2008

original 'schin'

yeah, i've been sitting on this one for a long time. its a screen capture i took myself, but i can only take credit for so much... like, the brilliance of the shot composition speaks for itself. i'm pretty sure that's 'all steven.' you can see the reactions on all the faces of the bystanders. you can totally tell ben 'sexy beast' kingsley is in character. as is ralph feinnes, who is obviously craning his nazi neck for a 'better look.' hey, ralph, take a picture, it'll last longer. sigh. man, i think i still have a case of slumber party jetlag. so bear with me. i remember seeing 'schindler's list' at the Terrace theater in the middle of greensboro, nc. i know i must've seen it in other theaters, but i remember seeing it there. man, that film is so damn good, you don't even notice that its like, twelve hours long.

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