Tuesday, November 18, 2008

wild shia

yeah, i saw 'crystal skull' over the weekend, and, as this shot of 'shia-as-mutt' flew by, i knew i had to try and 'snag it' when i got home. lucky for me, i still had a copy of the dvd someone let me watch, so i was able to zoom right in and get it. yeah, its youngie shia le beouf (?) as indiana jones' kid. he likes to burn up that cycle and comb his blow-wave hair. hey, who can resist such a combination? i mean, he's very cute, and actually CAN act, and apparently has some kind of semi-scandalous 'off-screen' behavior issues going on. yeah, i was instantly won over by his cute young looks and acting chops. and here he is, on his 'chopper,' getting all 'brando' in a very cool way that looks good on him, in the 'hot' sense.
(this one enlarges quite nicely, by the way. i managed to catch a good frame, i think.)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Shia is a major cutie.