Wednesday, November 19, 2008

stones soup

man, i can't think of anything tonight... like my inspiration lobe isn't exactly jumping. so i thought i'd start tonight by posting this grizzly, groovy rolling stones album cover. i don't ever remember seeing this one in the cd bins, like, ever. did they like, issue it with an alternate cover at any point, on account of this one is kind of, you know... gruesome? because yeah, i used to sift through the stones' records all the time, and i seriously don't remember this one. is it like, the beatles-and-butchered-babies thing? i don't even know what's on this record. and i guess i kind of don't care. the cover is great though. i'll bet mr. 'no meat' morrissey hates this. like, goats are our friends, you know? sigh... so dig on it. i hope i'll be able to dig up some more.

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