Saturday, November 22, 2008

yet another funky van, man!

man, this is one of those instances where i wonder if i really have to say anything. like, there's so much in this picture i feel like i wanna mention. first of all, the dude reminds me of david naughton, of 'american werewolf in london' fame. and his 'short-shorts' show unsightly creases of having been 'sitting-down-in-them-a-long-time.' he's awful smug about his outdated, shitty mode of transportation. and even more sickening than that, his 'chick' is literally 'looking up to him,' as if she knows he can single-handedly end 'world hunger' or something. are we supposed to assume she was finally able to achieve the magical, elusive, 1970's 'big O' due to his skills on some synthetic carpet fibers in the back of his jive-ass van? i mean, he's not even wearing socks at all. and upon a closer look, just what is that painting on the side supposed to be? some mystic ship on the 'seas' of 70's fm songs about 'sailing?' i kind of don't get it. but i miss riding in vans. suv's just aren't the same. (click to enlarge.)

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