Thursday, December 25, 2008

your present, jean-luc

hey, i'm sorry i couldn't find a bigger picture of it. but hey, look what i got you! its the barbie van for all your barbies and all their barbie fun! i know you know exactly what it feels like to unwrap one; because you've done it before, i saw you do it. this really was an extremely cool toy. i know there were a couple of hours, many christmases ago, when you and i sat on the hardwood floor of our bedroom, and applied all the decals and put this thing together, with no 'adult supervision' whatsoever. hey baby, i'm still here. and i still love you as much as i did that morning... indeed, even more. like, i love you the 'mattel'-most!

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

This has got to be one of the best Barbie accessories ever. I wish I was playing with one right now. Congratulations Jean-Luc! And have a blast!!!!!

Oh and I thought of an 80s song I never, ever want to hear again: "Missing You" by John Waite. When that song comes on, I go into a tiny coma.