Monday, March 30, 2009

a rare shot

good evening, rebels. so um, what's up? i'm gonna be busy tonight, adding fresh picksh to my new file, so i'm leaving the planet in the appropriately capable hands of these intergalactic warriors! hey, wouldn't it be a scream if you were dating someone who was like, '...i have no idea who these people are.' anyway, i'm sure you recognize them as hot young luke skywalker, the feisty and lip-glossy no-bra princess leia, hairy-and-scary chewbacca, and last but never ever least, that butch, sexy, scruffy-lookin' 'scoundrel-slash-pirate' himself, han solo. hey, how come the droids weren't invited to this little photo shoot? maybe they've bribed C-3P0 to take the shots himself, in exchange for some 'sex in the city' dvds. (?) i dig this shot, because its a rare pose... i mean, i don't think i've ever seen it before. and plus, i've been rolling all three of the original movies these days. (...yes, including 'jedi.') they all make me feel cozy... like i'm gonna be getting pizza and capri suns later, when we hang out with our cool male cousins and play the atari 2600. ahhhh, those nights. anyway, i'm gonna have more later in the week, i guess. until then, i love you all, and... (am i really gonna say it?) ...may the force be with you.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Hahaha. "He looked at my Star Wars souvenir studio glossy and was like, 'who's this? A band or something?'"