Wednesday, April 1, 2009


man, i'm a little off-track tonight... i thought i had to go in to my little volunteer position in the morning, but i was informed a couple hours after supper that they weren't going to need me until friday. so here i am, up late when i wasn't expecting to be. so i figured i might as well post something. i needed a little splash of color, so i chose this notebook illustration from... wow, several years ago. jean-lucien assembled it out of various cuttings. the 'model' is a young and hot mr. harrison ford, from the francis ford-coppola ...thriller? 'the conversation,' also starring gene hackman in one of his most compelling roles. but in the flick, harrison follows gene around, more or less just to 'eff' with him, it seems. even though its an older one, scanned in on older equipment, i still think its very much worth showcasing. so dig it. and i love you all.

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