Friday, April 3, 2009

nite life

yeah, there's some crazy crazy nightlife going on in my cottage tonight. i've gotta go in to my 'job' tomorrow, and i'm just relaxing, having already set my hair, and now i'm 'rockin' an intense bag' of pepperidge farm goldfish crackers. and like, i blindy put my hand in, right? and i feel something that definitely doesn't feel like the standard 'fish,' ... like, its flat, round, and has some kind of 'quilted' texture. so like, puzzled, i take a closer look at the front of the bag, and apparently, they're doing some kind of NBA 'march madness' sports tie-in. like its got a picture of some player i've never heard of on the front, named dwayne wade. then, underneath, it proclaims that its got 'basketball shapes' inside. so that explains the mutant round ones. still, they taste 100% the same... and after all, that's what i paid my 2.19 for. so, umm... i love you all, and hopefully the planet will be 'rockin' as per normal.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

"Themed" Goldfish are always confusing. I was even confused by the Christmas ones. They are too small to theme up. Calm down Pepperidge Farms.