Monday, July 27, 2009

god bless america

mmm, yes... the land of the free, the home of the brave, sexy girls who have, throughout history, taken it 'all off' for the cameras. i know i had this issue once, many years ago, because i distinctly remember cutting out the american flag part and using it in a collage. and i think the chick's face also made it into a collage at a later date. yes, she's got that cherry-lipped, pouting, lipsticked look, she's got the bod, she's got the 'awkward-in-real-life' posing abilities, but you know what I can't stop looking at...? yes, ladies, say it with me... '...those shoes...!' mmm, strappy, scarlet, daring, spiky, and all-around 'just right.' i have to admit, i have no idea what this lovely leggy lady's name is... but she's a hot one. i think this issue was from like, July 1974 or something. so dig it, the sleek, disco-era female sexuality. god bless higher-scale 'girlie magazines,' and God Bless America.

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