Friday, July 31, 2009

happy birthday kate bush

well, i admit i'm about ten minutes late for this one, if you wanna get technical about it. thursday, july 30th was kate bush's 51st birthday. i think its fair to say i first saw kate bush, or became aware of her, when simon le bon and nick rhodes came on MTV sometime in early '84...? and played her witchy, sexy, sultry, crazy 'sat in your lap' video. in subsequent years, i learned more about her. i think it was around '86...?? when her medium-sized hit 'running up that hill' was making its leisurely way up the US charts. eventually, i found video stores that stocked her tapes, and became familiar with her intensely artistic visual style, her eclectic and consistently exceptional music, and of course... her great beauty. here she is, in a rare photo, obviously years away from her first chart-topping hit... but even at this tender age, her lovely darkness... her introspection, her bravery, and yes, even her witchiness, shows. a beautiful child who grew into a popular and wildly influential artist. she paved the way for probably countless female artists... from annie lennox to tori amos to pink, ...she was tough, smart, witchy... but always gentle, delicate, sensual, and gorgeous. ...of course, i must say... i wonder if kate would've been able to come on the scene so easily if the great joni mitchell hadn't cleared the way. not to take anything away from kate, but... hey.... joni mitchell. (click to enlarge)

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