Sunday, July 26, 2009

star-crossed lovers

somehow i feel weird about even posting this shot. i mean, we all know what happened to these two lovely people. still, they are both so beautiful... i kind of can't help it. i guess i feel like, if i can help celebrate the little bit of life these two kids shared together, it will armor me against... something. yeah, i know, it sounds crazy. and the whole 'thing' surrounding her death is one of the witchiest things i've ever borne witness to. still, these kids were what they were... talented, young, vital, brave, beautiful, ... and do i dare say lucky? that, perhaps, is going one step too far. even saying the name: sharon tate... even typing it... it seems almost like i'm asking for trouble. why is that? why should we give that sick clan that much power over the legacy of a lovely lamb like sharon? damn, the more i think about it, the angrier i get. i read the bugliosi book when i was like, 13. i saw those pictures. they never left my head. they haven't even faded. so i choose to remember them like this. free, alive, in love, and fearless. so there. (click to enlarge)

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