Tuesday, July 28, 2009

my new book; take a lick!

yeah, i didn't expect to start a new book tonight... like, its hot and i didn't really feel like getting down on the floor like, 'low-down' with the scissors and glue stick and glitter stickers and all that. its far more strenuous than one might think to get a cover on one of these things. seriously. but, as you artists out there well know, the wave just swept over me, and the next thing i knew, i was doing it. and it was a good thing the muses decided to stop by, because my last book was dangerously close to the final useable pages. so yeah, i pushed and cut and glued and placed and made a thousand and one tiny desicions and calculations. because, yeah... i never use rulers or anything to get my stuff straight... its all done by sight. so, i'm happy to say i'm pleased with it... i just wish my photo-equipment was better, but oh well, you work with what you have. so let's see what we have here, models-wise. it seems like my angel joe strummer has the rare honor of being on more than one book. he's a two-time cover boy. this is a great shot of him on the tom snyder show... back when he was on tom snyder. i have no idea what year it was. man, he's effing gorgeous. so sweet, and candy-deelish; hence the title, 'lollipop.' plus, i just like the way the word looks. now for the medallions. from left to right we have: actor richard dixon as oofy prosser in the 'jeeves and wooster' series; sylvie vartan snipped from one of jean-lucien's marvelous collages; the post-'babydoll' glamorous miss carroll baker; the one and only terry jones; the ...multi-talented...?? nell campbell from 'the rocky horror picture show' ; david bowie from 'the man who fell to earth,' ; and finally, but never least, semi-trashy disco chick, debbie harry. so um, dig it... my groovy new book. (click to enlarge)

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