Monday, July 27, 2009

the secret world of advertising

okay, first of all, i'm instantly drawn to this ad because of the era, the pretty models, the 'love story' yarn caps, and the aesthetics of the picture in general. now, that being said, let's think about this a little harder. who are these two chicks? sisters? bitchy high school rivals? 'best friends?' well, whatever they are, they certainly have no problem getting 'kiss close' in the middle of a wheatfield, with their corresponding cans of spray deodorant. like, how did this come about? i mean, did Chick A. call up Chick B. and say something like, "...Brenda, meet me in the wheat field behind the new drugstore and shoe place at 4:45 PM ... wear your yarn cap; you know, the one that matches mine?" Chick B: "...sure thing, Suzanne... what for?" BRENDA: "...don't worry about that, just put on some lip gloss, and meet me out there... i know a guy who wants to take our picture..." SUZE: "...not 'nudies' again?" BRENDA: "...No, my uncle's on parole, he can't even come to the house... no, its another guy... from Drama class." SUZE: "...okay, i'll have to sneak out, though." BRENDA: "So sneak out!!! If you don't, then you're not my 'true friend...'" (longish pause) "...Oh, and Suzie... one more thing..." (2-3-4) "....bring your deodorant...!!" (saying the last word in an urgent, secretive whisper) CUT. yeah, i imagine it might've gone something like that. (click to enlarge)