Monday, November 7, 2011

china boy

jean-lucien godet is not only the master of the photocollage, he is also the master of the screen- shot. i remember in the 80's when our family got our first vcr... the place included a vhs tape of our choice as part of the deal. God bless my stepfather for choosing the video 45 of david bowie videos. so the first thing i ever saw played on my home vcr was david bowie's 'china girl.' it is therefore easy to see why those two videos; 'china girl' and 'let's dance'... have a memorable role in my audiovisual life. recently jean-lucien sent me this screen shot that he took from the video. i've always loved this shot. the nose, man... sigh... that nose... and the way the little cup is tilted to his lips... pop star gold.

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