Monday, November 7, 2011

dodgy, it is...

so, it's cool enough that this homemade bit of art is taken from my fave star wars movie, 'the empire strikes back.' it's cool enough that there are kids out there who are actively willing to create something fun and satirical just for the sake of it. and i even dig the essence of the message. yes, yoda IS there to make you whip your whining ass into shape. hey, sometimes i wish i had a yoda to like, push me and make me be the best i can be. but none of these reasons are why this in on 'planetcool.' it's featured tonight because, when you click and enlarge the image and look real close at the speech balloon, you can see a crease, like, sorta the overlay of a flap, and tiny little vertical orange lines, almost like a UPC code... which i recognized as being the marks of a piece of metered mail. which, quite hilariously, tells me the speech balloon was made out of the edge of an envelope that had already made it through the postal system. really? they had NO other paper on hand? really? knowing at any given time i've got countless sheets of blank paper hangin' on. like, way to do it half-assed.

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