Wednesday, November 9, 2011

sweet seventeen

ohhhh, i love magazine covers from this era. i used to have some 'seventeen's from this era, and they were like, twice as big, size-wise... like, you could fit almost two modern 'seventeens' into the 'seventeens' i remember from back then. i love this cover. i wanted to say that was ali mcgraw, but this is '68, and i don't know if she was working yet that long ago. okay, let's see.... what does this issue promise? hey, a report on 'the clique mistique.' i think i can sum that up in just a few sentences: there are cliques; there are always going to be cliques; if you're a teen girl, you better hope you belong to 'the good clique,' and finally, 'there IS no mistique about cliques.' and we're also promised the earth-shattering article entitled, 'HELP! i hate my nose.' guess what, girls? i've hated MY nose at some points in my life, all girls do, it'll pass when you have to start worrying about things like paying for college and ovarian cancer. ( wait, i think i may have just 'over-snarky-ed' myself. )

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