Monday, November 7, 2011

dodgy dolls

it's the beatles... yeah, yeah, yeah...! yes, the beatles in the creepiest, dodgiest soft sculpture dolls i've ever seen. okay, i shouldn't bag on 'em so hard... knowing i've never attempted to whip up a set of homemade beatle-dolls. it looks like they're mostly felt. and to the crafter's credit, i can actually tell which doll was supposed to be which beatle. left to right, we have: john, paul, george, ringo. oh that's great... linin' 'em up in standard 'beatle roll call' formation. yeah, that's inventive. okay, critiques... i don't think ringo ever had a moustache when they were regularly wearing those grey ed sullivan suits. they little teeth are a bit unsettling. why doesn't john have a necktie? why does paul's mouth look like a toddler who just ate something it's unclear on? how come george looks his tongue is swollen like he's having an allergic reaction? ahhhh, again, i shouldn't bust. i've never made any beatle dolls.

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