Friday, November 11, 2011

lauren hutton quartered

you know i love magazine covers from this era. and i've always liked lauren hutton; ever since i saw her as charlotte taylor-wilson in 'zorro the gay blade.' but even if this model wasn't lauren hutton, i'd still think it was groovy. i dig the four different make-up styles; very successfully executed. and she's so foxy to begin with. let's see, we've got 'the sadist.' apparently sadists like wearing a ton of eye shadow and mascara. then we have 'the virgin.' yeah, alright. third we have 'the french maid.' ahhh, that one seems a little reaching. i think that was just their way of saying ( or implying ) 'slut.' and finally, 'the babysitter?' again, i'm slightly unclear. i did a lot of babysitting back in the day, and i don't think i ever rocked the nude lip color. still, as i said, i love lauren hutton. and magazine covers. and make-up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this is crazy. It's too jumbled up to be fantasy material. I'd like to see a whole cover for each look.