Wednesday, August 27, 2008

i is for imposter

yeah, when i first got this wild machine, i did a lot of things to teach myself all the little tricks and tools. one thing i used to do was mocking up album covers and .45 sleeves. i really should do some more now that i actually know what i'm doing. but just for the hell of it, here's one of the covers i came up with. yeah, its the latest release from that talented glam quintet 'the headmasters.' the song 'male desperation' was pure pop gold, and the b-side 'quaint,' even managed to chart in the top 50... highly unusual for a b-side. i made a few others, but i can't think of what files they're in like, in order to dig them up. but it was a fun way for me to teach myself about like, the fonts and colors and cropping tools and all that. (oh, and just for the 'record,' the originial image was a still frame from 'velvet goldmine,' during the 'ballad of maxwell demon' bit.) hey, not to stroke my own fur, but i've seen vinyl 45's that looked a hell of a lot worse.

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