Thursday, October 30, 2008

eno smokes

yeah, i haven't featured a smoker for a while. and since i couldn't decide whether to post a man with a cig or a chick with a cig, i decided to take the middle ground and post a shot of brian eno with a cig. i have to admit, this is a pretty groovy photograph. i mean, the grain and contrast is 'all good,' and he actually looks pretty. but hey, i get the feeling i wouldn't want to be stuck next to him on long, long cross-country flight. unless, of course, he was like, tipsy with 'loose lips' and more than willing to 'dish the dirt' on bono and the U2 boys... or share wild, first-hand accounts of some cokey roxy music groupie parties, or similar tales of ultra-bi backstage bowie shindigs. but... if he was just gonna talk all 'ambient' on me, i think i'd crank up my i-pod with some morrissey and-or beck and very much tune him out, out. (mmm, i soooo don't own an i-pod.)

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