Thursday, October 30, 2008

t wingate andrews high

hey lucynell... i tried to call you wednesday night to hip you to something, but i couldn't get you live on the phone. but jean-lucien directed me to a certain website. first of all, you will no doubt recognize the tiny photo as the front entrance to t. wingate andrews high school. we both implore you to look up the official site, and read up on the new dress code. its outright, positively insane. its so like, hair-splittingly specific, its hard to believe it's not a joke. seriously, a skit about high school dress codes couldn't be more hilarious. i mean, yeah, we all know times have changed and all that, but man, jean-luc and i thought this was a little above-and-beyond. but i couldn't help keeping in mind, as i read it, i couldn't help but think about all the clothes you and i and jean-lucien and all the other kids wore back in 'the day.' like, 90% of the stuff we wore then, would nowadays get us expelled. jelly shoes? jean skirts? tank tops? forget it! man, i'm so glad i got my high school career overwith when i did. just google ' t wingate andrews high school,' and scroll down below the red and black 'raider' guy on the horse, down to where it says in slim black letters, 'what's happening at Andrews,' and click on where it says, ' T. W. Andrews High School Standard Mode of Dress guide.' (they couldn't even keep the lettercasing consistent.) seriously, read it. i don't think i ever read that much on any standard night of homework when i went to that place. i mean, it actually says, 'no denim' !!! and this really cracks me up... like, down below the wildly long list of instructions, after all the rules, it has a quote.
THE QUOTE: " is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one that is most adaptable to change..." Charles Darwin.
like, as if they knew they'd be in for sooo much griping because of the new code, that they figured they'd better like, 'legitimize-it-in-advance' with the words of a 'great mind' from History. hilarious.

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