Sunday, October 26, 2008

unknown play

here is a lovely shot i've had for a long time. its ian holm, quite young. i think the picture was taken mid-to-late 1960's. i've had the picture for so long i don't clearly remember what part he was playing. but judging by the costume, i'd bet it was 'henry v.' i know he did play that part. wow. i'll bet that was something to see. i think there should be some kind of law that mandates all performances of all shakespeare plays be filmed and stored in some tiny, unobtrusive digital format... to be viewed later, just in case anyone playing happens to actually be brilliant. i mean, i've seen it happen all the time... at a local level... some poor soul tearing themselves to bits night after night with no final record to attest to their work. the way it stands now, that is the nature of the game. but i believe history would be the richer for it.

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