Thursday, October 30, 2008


(yes, i have to admit, the 'peeping' skit with the staarsgard guy really cracked me up. i don't know who was responsible for it, but i loved it, it chewed on it, my late-nite laugh-bone.) anyway, apart from that, i love finding all those old, sexy, pulpy illustrated 'dime novel' covers from years-gone-by. i'm glad so many of them are quality-scanned online for my convenience. now, this cover isn't all that much to look at, like, artistically, but i love all the copy. if you can't enlarge-to-read it, it says: '...he got his kicks from men -- but the thrills he longed for weren't enough -- and so he became the... Gay Peeper. ' what a scream. and what's with all the women? i thought he was the gay peeper? i guess they could mean 'gay-meaning-happy,' but i'm tempted to think some idiots were responsible for the print, and maybe assumed 'gay' just meant like, kinky. anyway, i think the whole thing is a scream. take me back to Atlas Book Exchange.

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