Saturday, November 1, 2008

hot skates

hey, i don't know what's groovier about this picture; the mostly-naked girl, or the pristine pair of 'old school' rollerskates in the foreground? i don't remember where i snagged this shot, but i love it. the girl is healthy and curvy, and her skates are in tip-top shape. there was a roller rink in the town where i grew up, and most of my friends learned how to skate there. i can even remember the long, carpeted benches, the smally video arcade, the brightly-lit snack bar, and the girl's bathroom, which had a weridly-slanted floor and was always awash in sickly amber light. but it was fun there, and safe. i can still 'skate the rink' in my mind. they had a mirrored disco ball and everything. it was pretty groovy for a small town. and in retrospect, we were lucky to have it.

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