Monday, October 27, 2008

fear of the unknown

i hope jean-lucien doesn't mind me posting this. he sent me this grim and dazzling notebook illustration several months ago. and since we're closing in on halloween soon, i thought it was appropriate to post it now. from left to right, we've got miss imogene claire, tipping the bottle of communion wine to her lips. its actually an excised part of a still frame taken from the 'eyesight to the blind' number from the who and ken russell's 'tommy.' (the part where ann-margret takes tommy to the church of marilyn monroe.) the orange punch wash and bubbles that make up the background is a fine example of jean-lucien's abstract painting skills. i think i sent him the skeleton in the top hat a long time ago, and i must say he put it to good use. i have no idea where the little girl in the blindfold came from, but its a perfect symbol of captivity, powerlessness, anonymity, and fear. i love this piece. its one of my favorites of his. even so, if he wants me to take it down, i will do so in twenty-four hours. until then, dig on it. genius. his talent for this art form leaves me forever amazed. just beautiful. (click to enlarge.)

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