Wednesday, October 29, 2008

marisa, baring some

yeah, i know... that's a lame play-on-words. but hey, what a groovy picture of the slinky and always beautiful miss marisa berenson! i first became aware of her in fosse's 'cabaret.' subsequently, i swooned over her in kubrick's 'barry lyndon.' and, until the computer age came sluicing in on me, i had no idea she'd done so much straight-up fashion modeling in the late 60's-70's. jean-lucien has been great at finding groovy rare pictures of her like this one. i love that style of serpentine bracelet... when i was a kid, i thought that was like, the 'exotic-est,' and often attempted to draw them on girls... back when i used to draw. i love the twisted hair, too. she's sort of like the brunette twiggy... and you know most men of taste prefer brunettes... am i right, dark-haired girls?

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