Thursday, December 11, 2008

carnal couple

i'm pretty sure i've posted a shot from mike nichols' 'carnal knowledge' before, but i don't think i've posted this exact shot before. but i figured nobody would suffer if they got a look at the young and foxy and devious and gorgeous mr. jack nicholson and the busty, lusty, gingery miss ann-margret. its been a long time since i've seen this movie. i really should dig it up and give it a fresh look with my modern brain. man, i'm not more than like, 41% gay... but look at that cleavage. woof...! and jack, wow... he was almost at the peak of his looks at the time this was filmed. god, i can only imagine what kind of wire-framed 'pushy-up' bra they put her in to make her chest look like that. i mean, you and i both know, she doesn't need a whole lot of help. and from a cinematic standpoint, i think its notable to mention that this wasn't the only time these two starred opposite one another. yes, i'm sure you'll remember in 'tommy,' ann played tommy's mother, nora walker; and jack played the mysterious 'specialist,' charged with diagnosing tommy's 'problem.' i wonder if she really dug him, or if he got on her nerves? perhaps they were mutually voracious? too bad that sex video hasn't surfaced, am i right, kids? (click to really enlarge)

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