Monday, December 8, 2008

one more valmont...

...never hurt anybody. i know i've posted a shot of john-as-val like, very recently, but i came across this one whilst digging through some old files, and i thought it was so 'creamy-and-dreamy' i couldn't resist. man, what a profile! yet another reason for me to invent-and-use a time machine. namely, so i could go back in time and like, do things to him whilst he was wearing that outfit. i know i must've 'screen captured' this one, because i know how hard it is to find shots of john-from-liaisons on the web. there's just something about that ribbon... that ponytail. like, you know you're really 'hot stuff ' when you can make a powdered wig look that good. he's such a 'smooth operator.' (man, why did i say that? ) anyway, enjoy the creamy, mysterious goodness for yourself. hey, there's enough of 'the vicomte' to go around, you know?

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