Thursday, December 11, 2008

where are they now?

yes, finger-watches, ladies and gentlemen! i've had this ad for a long time, and i figured it was well worth a post. now, i don't have a date on this ad, so i have no idea if if was 'before' or 'after' the Swatch craze. (jean-luc and i had about four Swatches, just for the record... but my mate Atarieyes mustv'e had like, over a dozen, i remember because he once demonstrated like, four on each arm.) but these little dinky finger watches, i don't remember anyone wearing them at all. and what were they called? 'Digits?' i don't remember any widespread ad campaign for them. i have no visual memory of anyone wearing them. i'm taking a close look at the ad now, and i have to admit, one or two of them look pretty cool... but why not like, use the same desgin and make a 'regular-sized' watch for-the-wrist? i think its hilarious that one of them is like, zebra-striped. how 80's. i kind of dig the fuschia nail polish she's got on... but they don't really seem like, 'practical.' i mean, can you imagine giving a decent backseat 'HJ' with two or three finger-watches on? (and yes, 'HJ" means exactly what you think it means.) the bottom line is, we all know they didn't 'catch on,' because people sure as hell aren't wearing them now. dig it, the 'Digits.' (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

It seems like the human race actively hated watch rings. Like there was some universal note passed around that said "don't buy watch rings, pass it on."

We had a guest writer on the show a couple years ago who was a real nerd. She was the only person I've ever seen who ever wore a watch ring. And she'd sit at the re-write table and make a big deal of checking the time on it. This involved her gingerly placing her pencil down, turning her hand over, and staring at the back of her index finger.

We made fun of her mercilessly behind her back. To this day we refer to her by the wildly creative nickname, "Watch Ring."

An astonishing fact about Watch Ring: she's the daughter of an Oscar award winning ex-Vice President. Maybe The Secret Service intercepted the note about not buying watch rings.