Monday, December 8, 2008

playtime again

hey, before i was born! yeah, i don't feel super inspired, but i didn't post anything last night, so i figured it wouldn't hurt if i just threw a rare 'playboy' cover up here. the date is february, 1972. jean-luc and i were like, about a month old, conception-wise. i like the cover, though. the girl looks pretty, and i like the stark profile vibe it has. i also think its kinda funny that the hand touching her has like, big manly hairs on the knuckle and a chunky gold man's ring. like, hey... you can tell that hand doesn't belong to nick rhodes. i picture someone more like, along the lines of burt reynolds or like, i dunno... james caan. (?) anyway, i think almost every playboy cover from that era is worth a look, and i don't think i've posted this one before. and if i did, it was so far back it doesn't make any difference now. so dig it!

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