Monday, December 8, 2008

once upon a time

as in, 'once upon a time, adam ant was a dude who actually looked quite pretty.' but man, he doesn't even look like the same person anymore. i guess i shouldn't bag on him too hard, he's given me some great, fun songs over the years... and he did do his 'bit' to further the important 'gender-bending' cause during the 80's. this is, of course, the 'prince charming' cover. i actually like his stuff from that era, including the very hilarious 'ant rap.' which i might have to post. he really made all those ribbons and bows and leather and lipstick look good, didn't he? as most of you probably already know, his real name was the very 'un-glam-sounding' stuart goddard. i imagine it probably took a certain amount of guts to go around dressed like that. or maybe not, i mean, i wasn't living in the UK at the time... maybe the place was crawling with cross-dressing pirates with minimal singing ability. apparently there was also a dance called the 'prince charming,' which was little more than marching around and doing vague, slow, psuedo-military-looking arm moves. so, dig adam at his glammest. its only a matter of time before he gets arrested for something in the 'celebrity headlines.'

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