Wednesday, December 10, 2008

unexpected fling

yeah, i might as well announce it... i'm having a bit of a fling with british comedy actor chris barrie. a public television channel out of rhode island has been playing his mid-90's series 'the brittas empire,' in which he plays the overbearing, detail-driven, gordon brittas; manager of a not-exactly-thriving english health club. i know, i wouldn't have thought it sounded funny either, but i have to say, mr. barrie makes it not only watchable, but something i've come to look forward to on recent tuesday nights. sure, he does tend to go overboard with the accent and the facial expressions... but he must be doing something right, because he's been creeping into my brain over the last week. so, whilst fishing tonight, i remembered he was also in at least one episode of 'blackadder,' so i dug that up, hoping to get some decent frames of him as an outraged french jailer, but the film stock was like, the worst. and there aren't many shots of him online that aren't from 'red dwarf.' i found this one shot of him, as gordon brittas. ugly enough to turn me on... sigh... i suppose it was only a matter of time.

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