Wednesday, January 21, 2009


yes, i featured an actually very groovy picture disc last night... and in like, celebrating it, i mentioned a sorta- wrong-looking picture disc for the stage production of the 'rocky horror show.' and here it is. the b-side, anyway. but the b-side is probably the better example... check out that wild crazy 'sweet transvestite' face tim curry is pulling! i guess it should be stated that he (tim curry) IS wearing stage make-up. it was for the new york, and not the london production. if i remember correctly the 'london' vynil i had 'back in the day' was very like, spare-bones. i think it only had two-thirds of the songs, and the cover was like, a big 'rubber stamp'-fied image of frank on a black background and some blood-dripping words. but i'm pretty sure this was the new york 'roxy' version. (someone please correct me if i'm wrong.) i'm gonna go ahead and say, 'click to enlarge,' only i don't know why you'd wanna make this whacko image any bigger than it already is. nightmare fuel. and you'll have to forgive the contrast. it was hard as hell to 'trick,' with all that dark on such a bright white background. (well, it was more 'pink-white' before i had to shock most of the color out of it.) but hey, dig it... this is exactly what it looked like. and i owned it! (hey, i guess i still DO own it.) and um, hey... 'don't dream it, BE it,' as the movie's theme says.

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