Monday, January 19, 2009

kryptonite perfume

yes, its green, its liquid, its not too expensive... and i'm not sure i have any memory of what it smells like. yes, this is an ad for the 'tres-classe' emeraude... by coty. and to this day, i'm not sure what 'by coty' is supposed to make me feel; like, advertising-wise. i mean, names go cheap in the 'fragrance game.' i mean, even faberge lent his name to the horrendous 'brut.' straight up; i can't remember ever smelling 'emeraude,' but i have a feeling i probably did at one point. like, there was a time when i was like, ten years old, that i would heedlessly sniff from any atomizer left out on the eckerd's or rite-aid countertop. still, i couldn't tell you what 'emeraude' smelled like if my life depended on it. all i know is it was green, and it wasn't in my house. the only green fragrant stuff in our house was my stepfather's old scent-staple 'skin bracer.' i have to admit, to this day, i kind of like the smell. maybe because it reminds me of my daddy. but 'emeraude?' i'm drawing a big sensory blank on that one. i like the ad, though... ga-roovy.

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