Friday, January 23, 2009

great dress

hey, its not really that i'm all that tired tonight, i just don't have a lot of material that's like, 'post-worthy.' i mean, sure, i could always post another hot picture of joe strummer and talk about how great he is... and i might do that in the future, but i have to remember not all of the general public is as crazy about him as i am. but i think there's one thing we can all agree on; and that is that ann-margret has top shelf A+ cleavage. so here's a shot from the 70's i found. love the dress. i love the tight cinched, laced-up waist, and the keyhole top that gives us a groovy glimpse of her 'goods.' and i like that slightly fretful 'damsel in distress' expression on her face. she really digs those false eyelashes. so um, until i can stockpile more groovy pics, this shot of ann will have to be enough for now.

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