Wednesday, January 21, 2009

boy ass

yes, i'm tired tonight, and who benefits from my fatigue? you do! because, if i wasn't so weary, and had less of a 'what the eff...?' attitude, i might think better about posting a gem like this! as we can see, its a relatively recent shot of the 'tumblin'-karma' boy himself, mr. boy george o'dowd. and as you can see, he and his tacky, ill-advised make-up job and 'look,' are giving a symbolic 'lik-lik-lik' to some cushy and anonymous 'clubbing' boy-ass. you know the most hilarious thing about this picture? i actually found it on the naked-ass-guy's website, not boy george's. apparently, 'butt-boy' is some kind of underground club star, and his 'gig' is showing his ass in celebrated places and taking pictures of the 'two-cheeked' proof, which he subsequently posts on his own website. and, i've been sitting (no pun intended) on this picture for so long i can't remember the name of the guy who's website it was. but then again, if he was very concerned about 'being known,' then he'd show something on his website besides his ken doll 'b-sides.' (click to enlarge... if by some wild stretch of the imagination you may want to.)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Good grief. Have you seen recent, recent pictures of Boy George? He looks like Uncle Fester. So mean, but so true. Current pics of him make this pic look like a Vanity Fair cover.