Saturday, January 24, 2009

sweet susan

umm, where do i start? i think this shot speaks for itself. lets see... we've got the beautiful susan sarandon, and she's got her blouse wide open. this shot was, of course, taken from the controversial 1978 louis malle film 'pretty baby.' susan plays a prostitute, and mother to a very young and beautiful brooke sheilds. (hey, who besides me is amazed THAT girl turned out alright?) i've tried to 'seriously' watch that movie several times, but... i hate to say this... for all that film has going for it, its 'pretty boring.' i mean, everything looks gorgeous. the clothes, the girls, the music, the lush cinematography... and most of the cast, (including brooke) are excellent. but somehow, it always leaves me with a big ho-hum. i also remember it was super-scandalous when it was released. but i remember watching it as a small girl when it finally reached HBO, and i remember thinking to myself, even at that young age; '...this is what people were so upset about?' but hey, this post is about pretty miss susan. and i'm taking the chance of posting the outright 'full frontal' shot of the Suze, in hopes people will realize the overexposed nature of the lighting obscures much of the 'breastial' detail. dig it.

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